How to Choose the Right Business Major for You

Written by Francesca Lisbino on Sunday, 27 November 2022. Posted in Business Education

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash  

The business world is vast and involve a diverse range of fields. Therefore, when selecting a business major, it is crucial to consider various aspects of the areas of study. 

When looking for the topic in business you want to specialize in, you can choose a few business majors that seem the most interesting to you. From there, you can continue learning about majors in a couple different ways. 


You can learn more about this specific business major by researching it online. Alternatively, you can ask people who are specialized in that area of business to try to get more information on their experiences workig in that field. Asking for input from a person seasoned in a specific business field can often give you a better understanding of it than just reading about it online.


Another great way to find out if a business major will suit you is to find an internship. Internships allow you to have a gateway to the type of jobs and positions you would be able to get if you pursue the career. It also can show you if you truly would like the business major, or if you should find something else that would be a better fit for you.


At whatever college you go to, there will be a multitude of clubs. More than likely there will be a club that will be involce business. Joining a business related club will give you more information on the different types of business fields, and some types of experience in different business fields. 


Make a mental note of all your interests, and what you want to see in a job you would have. Then with your specific interests in mind, go over different business majors to look for the one that would work with your interests the best. Whatever major you choose, you need to make sure that it will support or involve your interests.


The major you choose typically determines the type of job opportunities you will have. If you have a type of lifestyle or salary in mind, you should keep that in mind when looking for your business major. However, potential salaries should not be the main factor when choosing your major, because you could end up with a business major you dislike.

With all this in mind, it really comes down to the type of job you want to have, and the type of career you would like to pursue. There are so many business majors that you can go into; these steps are simply guidelines to help you pick the right business major for you.

About the Author

Francesca Lisbino

Francesca Lisbino

Francesca is a Business Education Writer at Girls For Business.

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